Post by fail-o-matic on Apr 3, 2009 11:24:00 GMT
there are two girls who I like, but who do I like any advice ..!..
Post by iDesign on Apr 3, 2009 12:03:21 GMT
Well, you haven't given any details so what can I say?
Post by Wixi*¥$•~. on Apr 3, 2009 13:38:25 GMT
Idesign is right we can't help you unless you tell us the details but if you don't want to you could always flip a coin
Post by fail-o-matic on Apr 3, 2009 15:20:12 GMT
Girl 1 : cool funny i barely see her and my friends dont really like her
Girl 2 : cool funny see her regualy and she understands me also my mates can tolerrate her.
Post by Root Admin on Apr 3, 2009 20:03:07 GMT
Girl 1 : cool funny i barely see her and my friends dont really like her Girl 2 : cool funny see her regualy and she understands me also my mates can tolerrate her. The way you've put it there, it sounds obvious to go for girl 2. I would need even more info though to make a proper decision. Talk at school or on MSN if you don't want to go into it on here.
Post by damselindistress on Apr 4, 2009 1:58:52 GMT
Do they both like you back?
Post by fail-o-matic on Apr 6, 2009 14:55:13 GMT
maybe they both hang out with me but im not sure. They are both amazing.
Post by damselindistress on Apr 6, 2009 23:23:51 GMT
Well, try to figure out if either of them likes you back. You'll only have to choose between them if they both do.
Post by shadowslayer on Apr 9, 2009 14:59:39 GMT
Choose who you like the best.
Post by damselindistress on Apr 9, 2009 19:06:30 GMT
I guess girl 2 then.
Best Friend
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Posts: 125
Post by sobiteme on Apr 11, 2009 9:30:10 GMT
Yeah, girl 2 seems like the obvious choice.
Post by whiteshadow on Apr 12, 2009 13:58:04 GMT
oh HELL to the NO You don't just PICK out of two girls. That's not what happens. Look, when theres 2 girls you think you like, but you don't know which one to pick, then the answer is obvious. You don't like neither.
Think about it, love is made for one person and one person only, so if there are two, then that means the love isn't real. If you want something real that can last, wait until there is only one girl you like, don't pick two then choose the "best" one, because tbh you won't know what the best one is at all, because there are 2. When there is one and only one, you will know, and that will be your best one.
Post by cesarchad on Oct 3, 2012 7:47:50 GMT
Don’t select one from them because still you can’t decide and pick a one girl that means you just have a crush but you won’t love them, if you found real girl you don’t want to ask others opinions because you will feel it.